JavaScript Equality Comparison: Difference between == and === Operators

JavaScript Equality Comparison: Difference between == and === Operators

JavaScript provides two operators for checking equality: the double equals operator (==) and the triple equals operator (===). Both operators are used to compare values, but they work differently, and it's important to understand their differences to avoid unexpected behavior in your code.

The double equals operator (==)

The double equals operator (==) is a loose equality operator. It compares two values for equality and converts their data types if necessary. For example:

console.log(5 == '5'); // true
console.log(true == 1); // true
console.log(null == undefined); // true

In the first example, the double equals operator compares the number 5 with the string '5'. Since they are not of the same data type, JavaScript converts the string to a number before making the comparison, resulting in true.

In the second example, the boolean value true is compared with the number 1. JavaScript converts the boolean value to a number (true becomes 1, false becomes 0) before making the comparison, resulting in true.

In the third example, null is compared with undefined. JavaScript considers null and undefined as equal values, resulting in true.

The triple equals operator (===)

The triple equals operator (===) is a strict equality operator. It compares two values for equality but does not convert their data types. For example:

console.log(5 === '5'); // false
console.log(true === 1); // false
console.log(null === undefined); // false

In the first example, the triple equals operator compares the number 5 with the string '5'. Since they are not of the same data type, JavaScript doesn't convert the string to a number, resulting in false.

In the second example, the boolean value true is compared with the number 1. Since they are not of the same data type, JavaScript doesn't convert the boolean value to a number, resulting in false.

In the third example, null is compared with undefined. Since they are not of the same data type, and they are not equivalent values, JavaScript returns false.

Difference with respect to primitive data types

Primitive data types include boolean, null, undefined, number, and string. When using the double equals operator, JavaScript tries to convert the data types of the operands to match. On the other hand, the triple equals operator requires that the data types match exactly.

console.log(5 == '5'); // true
console.log(5 === '5'); // false

In the first example, the double equals operator converts the string '5' to the number 5 before making the comparison, resulting in true. However, the triple equals operator requires that the data types match exactly and, since they are not of the same data type, the comparison results in false.

Difference with respect to non-primitive data types

Non-primitive data types include objects and arrays. When using the double equals operator to compare non-primitive data types, JavaScript compares their references in memory, not their values. However, when using the triple equals operator, JavaScript compares both their references in memory and their values.

const obj1 = { name: "John" };
const obj2 = { name: "John" };
console.log(obj1 == obj2); // false
console.log(obj1 === obj2); // false

const obj3 = obj1;
console.log(obj1 == obj3); // true
console.log(obj1 === obj3); // true

In the first example, we create two objects with the same property and values, but they are two different objects with different references in memory. When using the double equals operator, JavaScript compares their references in memory, which results in false. The same is true when using the triple equals operator because the objects have different references in memory.

In the second example, we create a new variable obj3 and set it to the value of obj1. Since obj3 and obj1 refer to the same object in memory, both the double and triple equals operators return true.

It's important to understand the differences between the double equals and triple equals operators in JavaScript to avoid unexpected behavior in your code. If you're not sure which operator to use, it's generally recommended to use the triple equals operator because it's more strict and doesn't convert data types, which can help avoid bugs and errors in your code.


  • The double equals (==) operator compares values after converting their data types if necessary.

  • The triple equals (===) operator compares values without converting their data types.

  • When comparing primitive data types, the double equals (==) operator can result in unexpected behavior because of data type conversions.

  • When comparing non-primitive data types, both the double equals (==) and triple equals (===) operators compare references in memory.

  • It's generally recommended to use the triple equals (===) operator because it's more strict and doesn't convert data types.